The Life Plan Testimonials
This is a small selection of the 1000+ of unsolicited testimonials we have received over the last 10 years from participants of thelifeplan®.
‘We are still thoroughly enjoying our food, fasting and extremely good health. Both my husband and I are now both off all medications and haven’t been ill since starting on thelifeplan®. Aches and pains gone we are very active, no colds or flu, enjoying a 15.7kg weight loss and at 67 years of age, life is rather fantastic thanks to you and Tracey’
Vicki, on thelifeplan® 2013.
‘From the age of 40 I had been on 4 different pills to control high blood pressure and high cholesterol, plus a drug for constant acid reflux. Whilst doing thelifeplan®, I have lost 29kg, I am off all medication, I don’t snore anymore and my asthma is gone! I have more consistent energy. I honestly believe Jason saved my life’
Lincoln, May 2011 (after 7 months on thelifeplan®).
‘Forgot the make my complaint, this is getting to be a really expensive program as my clothes don’t fit anymore! All my winter clothes are loose and baggy. I will have to go shopping and get new ones!!!’
Hilde, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I successfully completed my first day of fasting thanks to the fasting info! What an achievement! After 4 weeks the benefits are evident with my Husband who has lost 7kgs! We are both sleeping so much better and have lots more energy. The mood swings do not happen anymore and I feel more on an even keel. The children are quite happy eating the food also’
Shelley, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘I’m 65, 6 feet tall, I have stopped taking blood pressure medication and I now weigh just 78kg. I am partaking in and completing 2 km sea swims, going on six week motorcycle trips in the USA, tending to our 1½ acre hillside property, and I still have energy to spare. I have so much to look forward to over the rest of my life … and you know what? I’m going to be doing it all’
Paul, on thelifeplan®, May 2014.
‘I am doing really well on thelifeplan®. I did my first fasting day last week and promptly lost another kilogram, I had already lost 5kgs and don’t want to lose any more extra weight right now! I did feel good in the days after the fast, however. I have been enjoying the seminars online and am up to date. I have certainly been using Tracey’s recipes’
Alison, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘I could not shift the weight gained since my mid 40’s, especially the belly fat, which most of us accept as being normal and unavoidable as we get older. I’m happy to report that this is so untrue. Following Jason’s teachings, with very little time and effort, I now have the same body shape I had 25 years ago. I’m a happy camper!’
Yvonne, on thelifeplan®, September 2012.
‘I weighed 76kg when I started, now after 6 weeks I am 70kg. So far I have lost a whopping 6kgs of weight just by changing the way I used to eat. My friends cannot believe that I could achieve this in such a short time. I find that I can even run for a short distance and still feel okay. Before this program I found it hard to even walk without panting and my legs would ache’
Brenda, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘Jason had been discussing the digestive system and what could go wrong. I started to mentally tick things off in my head. Sick all the time, only going once a day, sleeping badly, not eating healthy, you name it I was ticking it! It really made me realise that I was in need of a drastic overhaul. The amount and quality of info I received was amazing…’
Catherine, Christchurch, 2014.
‘I followed Jason’s protocols and cured myself of chronic asthma. I’d be dead or heavily medicated now if I had not discovered this material’
Mia, 2020.
‘As an overweight, over 40, divorced mother of two children I had been feeling a little past my ‘use by’ date. Now I feel so much better physically and mentally, and also confident that I have another 50 to 60 years of my life left; free of disease and illness. I’m not even halfway yet, and this gives me hope and makes me feel excited again about my future. I certainly wasn’t expecting that!’
Donna, on thelifeplan®, July 2014.
‘It has been a life changing experience and I think I am ‘weller’ than I have been in a very long time. The whites of my eyes are white again and I am well in the healthy weight range for my height. Thank you guys for the support and knowledge and amazing recipes to assist me on my journey. I will recommend this to all’
Andrea, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘Blood pressure with medication before thelifeplan®, was 142/90. When I did prescription renewal yesterday it is now 134/80! With the weight loss I am now under 100kg for the first time in 5 years!’
Gary, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘I have cleared my hands completely of dermatitis and eczema! Thank goodness now I know that lifestyle and diet can completely eliminate this skin problem!’
Denny, June 2011 (after 16 weeks on thelifeplan®).
‘I haven’t eaten so many fruit and vegetables in a long time. I’ve lost 2.5 kilo’s and I haven’t had indigestion for a week’
Bishop, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘I have spent lots of $$$$$$ over the years on all sorts of diets etc. I am now 61 and instead of worrying about how many years I have left, I feel on top of the world and the number of my age has gone from my head. I think your way of eating takes away all that stuff that can do things in our minds so that has also been a great plus for me’
Elizabeth, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘I think thelifeplan® is FANTASTIC. I joined because learning about health/foods and cooking is a hobby/passion; through Jason I have learnt new things plus have been reminded about things I knew but had forgotten; and thanks to Tracey I now have an even bigger repertoire or recipes. How Tracey keeps popping them out I do not know!’
Sherie, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘After a year on your programme I had a full blood panel done and can tell you my iron levels have increased to such a healthy level that the doctor asked me what supplements I was taking. I told him green smoothies! My B12, calcium, protein and everything else is perfectly within range also. I feel strong and I feel healthy’
Anna, May 2013.
‘I think the only problem we both have is when people ask us about our weight loss and new found energy they always ask what ‘diet’ we are on, we both look at each other and laugh! We just tell them we have changed our lifestyle and that seems the easiest way to explain thelifeplan®. My husband has never been so fit, active and happy’
Heather, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘On thelifeplan®, I feel great, full of energy, better concentration in my work and studies, my skin is pimple free and I have lost 15KGS and 10cm of waist. I am proud to say that I am totally FREE from meat, coffee, tea, and processed food. Thanks for the guidance, advice and wisdom’
Mohammad, on thelifeplan®, April 2012
‘After 3 weeks I’ve lost 5kg and I have really been enjoying thelifeplan® so far! I’m loving the meals, and all the learning too. I’m really looking forward to the upcoming months! I’m so glad I’ve started this new lifestyle’
Tanya, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘I am truly happy with my decision to get on thelifeplan®. It’s the clarity in my head and purity I feel in my body that freaks me out because I haven’t felt like this for years. Changes have been subtle but noticeable and I often feel high on energy and clarity. I just love it. Once again thank you heaps for the tremendous research. I love the recipes and all the information/ knowledge shared’
Gerrie, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘I like thelifeplan® because it cuts through the crap and gives you a concrete plan and the reasons why. Jason does not offer short cuts, but steps that are life-affirming and the ‘how to’ to achieve this. He says ‘You can’t eat yourself sick and expect to drug yourself well’. Not eating dairy and gluten, the black under my eyes is retreating. I have more energy and headaches are now rare’
Bec, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘I have never been much of a goal setter so I found myself very resistant to it yet I am LOVING it now. I am trying not to disbelieve when I achieve remarkable results. It is just so amazing. I have had recurrent ulcers in my mouth, including tongue, gums, tonsils etc often up to four or five at a time with trouble eating because of the pain. On thelifeplan® I have no ulcers in my mouth’
Hannah, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘My health is now very good. When I see most of my friends swallowing down their hand full of pills with their breakfast I feel very lucky. The weight has just dropped off so I’m feeling a lot happier with myself. I must tell you how good it is not to have to carry a hanky with me at all times for a runny nose, I didn’t realise it was the dairy!’
Carole, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I’ve been following your advice for almost a year now, & feeling great. thelifeplan® is the only program that has really helped me :)’
Annabel, 2020.
‘I’ve made a lot of positive changes to my diet since joining thelifeplan® & haven’t taken a Voltaren in 4 days, normally I take a long-acting 1 every morning. Thank you so much for inspiring me’
Shona, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘Just in the first week I was getting 8 hours restful sleep and by the second week I noticed I had way more energy. I have lost 9kg which was not the primary driver for me signing up, however I will take the victory! People comment on how good I look which is very flattering! The comments I’ve received about Tracey’s meals have been absolutely mind blowing’
Monica, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘I am 30 years old and up until now have felt like 60. I lost the feeling in my legs due to severe anemia while my organs and muscles were simply shutting down. Being drawn, exhausted and constantly ill was the norm and I even lost my gall bladder at the tender age of 25, yet I never even thought for a moment, that food was both the cause and cure of my unhealthiness!’
Hilary, March 2010.
‘Wow. I’ve been on thelifeplan® for what a week maybe 2 weeks now and wow. Just wow. I am feeling amazing! I have already shaved seconds off for my kick set in training. My skin is clean and I’ve lost a little bit of weight. I love this!’
Tayla, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I feel so much better on thelifeplan®. Losing 13kg does that. My husband is training for Ironman & didn’t think it could be done on a plant-based diet! Now drinks lots of green smoothies and eats hardly any meat even though he’s a farmer! Thank you so much for having such a profound effect on my life & what I eat’
Cath on thelifeplan®.
‘I saw 77kg on the scales today, I haven’t seen that for 12 years. The acid/alkaline balance is really important for increasing my core strength; it really is beginning to ‘gel together!’ I really was quite acidic before starting thelifeplan® and that manifested with my bones becoming so brittle’
Iain, Pharmacist, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘In the weeks that have passed since being on thelifeplan®, I have lost count of the amount of occasions I have come to write to you. The wisdom of your approach to food as medicine is life-enhancing and continues to reverberate in my thinking, echoing, confirming and building upon what I already understand (but at times have not always followed)’
Sue, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘I’m rapt with my weight loss and wellness. In fact I’ve had to dig out my husband’s belts to hold my jeans up! I’m loving Tracey’s recipes. I cooked the black bean mash last night yum(!) and had millet for breakfast this morning. My appetite seems to have lessened. I’m finally off the 7 mark for my cholesterol! My LDL is down .2 and my HDL is up .15’
Anne, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘What you have given me in terms of inspiration, knowledge and passion for implementing change is something I would struggle to put into words’
James, on thelifeplan®, March 2010.
‘In 3 days, I’ve lost 3.3kgs, gained a whole heap of energy, sleeping so much better (I’m normally an insomniac – lived on a can of V a day for a few years), and waking at 5:30 alert and ready to go. With just the small changes we’ve made this week to our diets, it’s already making a great difference. I feel great and it’s only from the few changes we’ve made. So thank you’
Bekz, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘Just wanted to say to you both how much I am LOVING the recipes and information you are providing us on thelifeplan®! My husband is delighted with the meals he is getting and I think feels like he has a new wife in the KITCHEN! I feel blessed that he is into this way of eating too! Kids like the alternative baking treats I have been doing’
Fiona, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘Bloody hell, Jason, I’ve been aware of you & your work for some 8 years but talk about extensive research, I’ve never seen anything like it. Your presentation & subject matter has captivated me. Some very interesting reading ahead. You’re a bloody wonder. Put simply, nowhere near enough people are aware of your combined abilities. Huge thanks to you & Tracey’
John, December 2020.
‘I’m amazed at how far I’ve come, what I’ve learned, and how much I’ve been able to let go of most of my old ways. As a family we’re all eating more healthily and I’m learning so much more about better quality nutrition, so a big thank you to you both for doing this and spreading the word on health and nutrition’.
Antoinette, February 2022.
‘I would like to let you know some results I’ve had. After 6 weeks on thelifeplan® I had to reduce one of my two blood pressure medications by 50% because my blood pressure was so good. I have almost reached my three month goal weight in two months’
Jane, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘I had two people compliment me on my complexion on Friday. So wonderful!’
Tineke, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘My cholesterols levels were 6.1 when I started thelifeplan®. My doctor said at my age my cholesterol levels will not come down without medication but will increase as I get older and insisted that I take 1x cholesterol drug twice a day to bring my levels down to normal range of under 5. On thelifeplan®, my cholesterol levels have come down from 6.1 to 4.5, which is now in normal range’
Valerie, on thelifeplan®, November, 2012.
‘I am really enjoying thelifeplan®. I have fasted most weeks and found it a struggle but now feel really good during and after. One of my aims was to gain more energy and I am certainly feeling much better in that regard. Thank goodness for Jason! Tracey’s recipes are great and I am using them weekly. The muesli is GREAT! I have it almost every day. Keep up the great work you guys!’
Amanda, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I love thelifeplan® in every way it is run!’
Sylviane, on thelifeplan®.
‘My overall health is much improved since being on the programme. For me the issue was my liver and recently had my regular liver function tests. They were better than they have ever been, better than when I first started regular testing 13 years ago. Also the pain in my side that was constant and liver-related is now very rare and nowhere near as bad. So I am really pleased’
Karen, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘After 3 weeks I feel so much better that I have felt in ages; more energy, my depression seems to have lifted, and just a lovely sense of wellbeing. I know I have a long way to go, but am just so delighted with the changes that are happening to me. I am amazed at the difference when no longer eating foods that are addictive or bad for me. I am beginning to look at food in a new light’
Jean, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘In addition to the diet changes on thelifeplan®, I have stopped drinking coffee, haven’t had much meat at all, and reduced dairy. I have noticed an increase in energy levels already. Another thing I have noticed yesterday/today is no period pains!’
Angela, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘On thelifeplan®, my overall health is much, much better. I used to get nauseous all the time and throw up regularly after eating slightly fatty foods. Junk foods especially. Goal-wise I’m close to reaching my goal weight which is nice as I’m going to shop for a wedding dress soon! I have lost 10kg so far with another 5 to go. The information is good. I thoroughly love Jason’s sensible literature’
Leah, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘I really love all the information that’s being provided and the support Jason provides; it’s great, easy to read and understand. I use the recipes, the soup ones are a particular favourite at the moment, particularly the golden soup and potato/corn/spinach chowder. I’d never (knowingly) had tofu before but that’s become a weekly staple!’
Tracey, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I just want to thank you for changing my life. I joined thelifeplan® nearly six months ago hoping to improve my aching joints, lack of energy and lose a bit of weight. Well, within a short time I had achieved all that! I cannot believe how simple it has been, everything you promised has come to pass. I have lost 8kg without any deprivation at all and generally feel at least ten years younger’
Jenny, on thelifeplan®, January 2015.
‘I am extremely honoured to have purchased into this program. I just love the caring energy that comes from everything you do. I have already made some huge changes in my life and finally cut out all coffee. Thank you again’
Auli, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘I am really noticing lots of small changes in my being and general contentment from changing what I eat. It is fascinating. I’m getting down to the things I am really addicted to. I have had comments from friends that I am looking great and seem more content. My partner mentioned that I’m more emotionally stable. I feel like I’m smiling from my eyes and enjoying simple things more’
Jess, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I love thelifeplan® and the support. I have learnt so much, and am really grateful for your team getting me on the right track’
Bonnie, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘Never thought a 20kg weight loss would ever happen. This has meant my lymphedema in the right breast is practically non-existent. I don’t even need to do lymph massage anymore. My energy levels are getting better, my digestion and bowel health are much improved, and I no longer fall asleep on the couch after dinner!’
Lisa, on thelifeplan®, May 2014.
‘I watched the seminar on weight loss and protein, you have such a wealth of knowledge, I can’t believe how I stumbled across you! I’m so glad I have found the other side of the coin and every time I watch you speak I learn more and get more excited about healthy living. I wanted to say thank you so much for doing what you do. People really need this information, I know we sure did’
Rosemary, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘thelifeplan® is my daily inspiration to live a better life. I’m not perfect but I am enjoying putting what I’ve learned to good use. I feel the difference in myself when I fall back to my old ways. Coffee, gluten and dairy being the worst offenders in upsetting me. And of course red meat! Having just made some nice fresh juices to fuel me for the day!’
Jo, on thelifeplan®.
‘I had tried all kinds of diets and spent the last 20 years going up and down like a yoyo. I have done the body for life program before and thought let’s see if I can reach that weight of 106kgs without the long hours of training. My feeling was if this program was what I thought it was, I could get there easily. I did. I started out weighting 124kgs. I am now 107kgs and feeling great’
Brett, on thelifeplan®, August 2012.
‘I have lost 4kg and my husband has lost 13kg! We feel so much better! If you want to live a long, healthy life then I truly believe thelifeplan® gives you the tools to make that goal a reality’
Louise, August 2011 (after 7 months on thelifeplan®).
‘I can see changes for the better with my health. I was not sick but I feel my energy levels are starting to increase, excess has fallen off gradually and my stomach is flat again (due to my bowels starting to work again). I am sleeping better with a couple of nights sleeping 8 hours though and that was unheard of. I am very grateful I came across thelifeplan®, thanks heaps’
Bryre, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘I flew to the UK at end of November. I decided to try your fasting method to conquer jet-lag. And it worked! Most of my family in UK thought I was crazy (‘How do you not eat for over 24 hrs?’) but I arrived feeling fresher than I usually do and didn’t really have jet-lag. I drank lots of water and occasional diluted juice. Thanks for the tip. It made my flying trip to UK far more memorable’
Kate, on thelifeplan®, 2012
‘To realise I’m making permanent changes and WANT to – even when I’d given it all up briefly; Brilliant. Your recipes are a god-send. I was stagnating in body and mind, without a clear head and healthy body. With your support and my determined focus, I’m changing not only my body, mind and spirit, but now my entire lifestyle as well. Truly inspirational’
Cheree, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘I can’t believe how easy it has been. I have been trying for 6 years to lose 5kg and not got anywhere. In the past month on thelifeplan®, I have lost 3kg without even trying! I love the food — so easy to eat and enjoy, and alcohol has really lost its appeal. I don’t find I am hungry or even have that many sweet cravings, so it’s been so easy. All my friends can’t believe how great I look’
Margie, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘Prior to thelifeplan® I would have just accepted the tiredness, diarrhoea and bleeding gums as a normal part of life, but now I know it isn’t. I have yo-yoed with my weight all my life but I have finally broken the cycle and turned a corner. From over 106kg to 73kg and stable, I have lost 33 kgs and I now have the tools and knowledge to keep it off, which is a first for me’
Liko, on thelifeplan®, 2014.
‘I am loving thelifeplan® and getting so much out of it. My eating has changed and I am reaping the benefits in increased energy and loss of weight… I have tried some of the recipes and loved them! I have been suffering symptoms and just putting up with it so it is a blessing to be gluten free. The online seminars I have watched have been brilliant’
Sally, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘I was having trouble giving up the sugar and the occasional coffee but thelifeplan® is certainly helping with both of those. I am really enjoying the recipes and the information. Thank you both. Well done’
Diane, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘When I started I was 72kg. Now I am 58kg. I was needing a knee replacement so I was on Naprosyn twice daily and a codeine phosphate at night. I no longer take these pills and only have the odd pain killer if needed, maybe only once a week. Now there is no knee replacement needed at this time. My doctor said whatever I am doing I must carry on!’
Lyn, on thelifeplan®.
‘I am feeling so much better than where I was back earlier this year. There is no more red wine in the house and I’ve told my husband that he’s not allowed to get me anymore or let me go past a bottle shop! I really appreciate what you and Tracey have put together, thelifeplan® is an amazing program and I am really enjoying it’
Elly, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘For your info, I have lost over 8kg in the last 6 weeks. I eat as much as I want, so long as it’s in the 5 food groups – and salmon occasionally – about once a week. Thank you for getting me started. I will persevere’
Jual, on thelifeplan®, July 2012.
‘I came to see you speak a year ago, and spent a long time trying to practise your suggestions on my own. Now, I have made the commitment to thelifeplan® and I love it. It works. The massive amount of information is fantastic, Tracey’s recipes are delicious and the seminars are gold! thelifeplan® is wonderful’
Jude, on thelifeplan®, 2014.
‘I fast one day every week. This week I did a 45-hour fast and I’m loving fasting. I feel so much better than I used to. My brain fog has gone, my eyesight is much clearer, I have so much energy. All in all there is a huge change. Thought I would update you as I am so grateful to have you walking along my path with me to help me to achieve optimum health’
Sarah, 2022.
‘Tracey your recipes are so amazing, tasty and colourful but better than all of that they are healthy and good for you. I really enjoy cooking with all the great colours and when I take my lunch to work, I get comments and have one girl in particular that likes to sample the dishes. Jason I made your muesli and have it every morning. Well done on thelifeplan®, it is awesome!’
Kayte, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘I am on day 3 and I am loving it; the education and recipes! I have started my check sheets and written out my goals. I am reading my goals each night, which I thought, sounded a bit odd, but it is really helping. I have already noted some big changes and have actually enjoyed no sugar, coffee or meat for the past three days, something I NEVER thought I would say!’
Cherie, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘My mum had been told by the doctor she might have diverticulitis. She followed the JSB advice, lost weight, lost her “6-months pregnant tummy”, cured her dermatitis and sinus problems! Also no more diverticulitis, and when she told her doctor they said “Oh we don’t believe in that!”’
Maxine, September 2009.
‘On thelifeplan® my fingernails are the best they’ve been for years, I have had more energy, I am getting the information that I need and I know that I only have to send an email if I am confused. I use Tracey’s recipes – they are brilliant!’
Linda, on thelifeplan®.
‘I haven’t had one day sick or even a little bit sick since I first started thelifeplan® in 2010. God bless you both for what you do for people’
Philippa, 2012.
‘Something a little crazy has happened already. My bowels are working again! Yesterday I had THREE bowel motions and that may seem weird to be so excited about but this is a HUGE thing for me. Thank you so very much, I really appreciate it!’
Rachel, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘It’s a whole new crazy way of life I never knew about! After three days I managed to drop a kg, and I haven’t exercised daily. It’s the little things. This morning I managed to get up early enough to hang out clothes before work; I never have enough time, ever! If these changes happen after four days, I can’t wait for four weeks, then four months! This. Is. Awesome’
Liz, September 2011 (after 2 weeks on thelifeplan®).
‘Today is day 2 of the first fast my husband and I have done. We are amazed that it has been so easy. We have not yet felt hungry and we actually feel quite energetic. It has really shown how much of our eating habits are purely habit. We planned this to be just a 2-day fast but can see that our next will be longer. I urge anyone thinking about it to give it a go’
Ralf, on thelifeplan®, 2013.
‘In February I weighed the heaviest I had ever been, was addicted to V drinks, coffee, sugar and takeaways. Nowadays I am caffeine-, dairy-, red meat-, gluten-, and processed food- and sugar-free! My husband and I have both lost 9kg each so far and for the first time ever I feel in control of my relationship with food! Thank you so much for showing me a healthy way to live!’
Megan, on thelifeplan®, May 2014.
‘I have always prided myself on having great health (almost never get sick etc), but I’ve really been able to take my well-being to a new level since starting thelifeplan®. It’s a really wonderful thing that you guys are doing; everyone should be doing the course as far as I’m concerned! Your write-up on coffee and what it does to the body finally convinced me to kick my one-a-day coffee habit’
Lucy, on thelifeplan®, May 2012.
‘When I stick to thelifeplan® I have noticed in particular increased energy levels and clarity of thought. Lots of great information and recipes and very quick response to the few questions I have asked…’
Sharon, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘I have begun in a small way. I had the best night’s sleep last evening because I have been drinking water, eating from the 2 recipes given, the smoothie and the wonderful, wonderful chili. What a difference when no bread or meat is eaten, two days and I feel the benefits. Not sluggish, my mind is already clearer. Ta for being you and having the forward thinking to do what you are doing’
Lynley, on thelifeplan®.
‘It’s been over seven months at least since I have had any coffee. After my first one again, I felt the following: a cold sweat, racing heartbeat, clammy all over, could not focus on a single conversation very well, since my mind was racing through many different things, a totally wired brain. After a few hours, I felt the come down. Felt flat, hollow. Jason had solved it; it was a coffee headache’
Shane, on thelifeplan®, June 2012.
‘I eat less every day and my sugar cravings have reduced. When I was a teenager back in India, I use to think my brother (who juiced-fasted), was a weirdo. He was never sick, he had a flat belly, he looked very good and much younger to me, although he is two years older than I am! I am glad that I joined thelifeplan®’
Menaka, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘Ran the race in the weekend after more than a year following thelifeplan® and came 3rd out of 100 women’
Nicky on thelifeplan®.
‘My overall health is improving. I have lost weight and feel better. I am getting the information I need and I use Tracey’s recipes as a source of weekly meal planning all the time! They are great’
Pam, on thelifeplan®, 2012.
‘It was such an inspiration to me and as a result, I’ve changed several behaviors; kicked sleeping pills, doubled my intake of green veges, alcohol-free and blown away by the overall improvement in my life – productivity, happiness and general overall emotional and mental health. There have been other factors but alcohol free is a key one. Why they don’t teach us this at school, I do not know’
Moni, 2012.

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