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The Life Plan®

A transformational year-long online program to
teach you how to achieve exceptional health.



Usually $890 but for a limited time buy for $295!

Learn Morestart the life plan
New year special - save $595 | Lose weight | improve your energy | feel alive again | prevent disease | eat delicious food | have radiant, glowing skin | expert advice and guidance | at your own pace | meet like-minded community | thousands of positive testimonials
“thelifeplan® is everything I have researched, written, filmed and taught in one online offering. It includes over 100 of Tracey’s (The Reckless Foodie) most popular, world-class, plant-based recipes for every occasion. It is your path to healthy longevity.  It is evidence-based, updated regularly and 100% plant-based. I have used all my learnings from 35 years+ of researching health and being exceptionally healthy;  raising and growing our four adult children (and now grandchildren); and from over a decade of offering  our online programs to thousands of people globally.   If you want the level of health that I have; this is my full-access, exclusive and premium offering. thelifeplan® is the best of me – my experience and my content and I have created it for you. To change your life and transform your health; do thelifeplan®.”
Jason Shon Bennett.

How will I benefit from thelifeplan®?

  • Lose excess weight and keep it off
  • Look younger and be happier
  • Feel more energized, better and brighter
  • Learn & master Regular Intelligent Fasting®, for life
  • Raise strong healthy children
  • Have radiant, glowing skin
  • Avoid illness, not get sick, less days off work
  • Live longer without disease
  • Improve your strength, fitness and endurance
  • Prevent modern lifestyle diseases
  • Potentially become medication and drug-free
  • Make amazing, delicious plant-based foods that feed and nourish you and your family

‘While following Jason’s advice I lost 29kg, went off all medication, I don’t snore anymore and my asthma is gone! I honestly believe Jason saved my life’
Lincoln, Auckland, NZ.

‘The journey is going great thanks to you both. I have released 40kg so far. My pain in my feet is almost non-existent. I fast one day every week and I’m loving fasting. I feel so much better than I used to’
Sarah, October 2021.

‘At 132kg my goal was to get to 90kg and I am now happily at 72kg. I have endless amounts of energy and my sleep has improved out of sight’
Steve, Queensland, Australia, 2014.

‘I feel great, full of energy, better concentration in my work and studies, my skin is pimple free and I have lost 15KGS and 10cm of waist. I am proud to say that I am totally FREE from meat, coffee, tea, and processed food…’

‘I have gone from almost 100kg to under 80kg and I am heading towards a normal BMI for the first time since my early 20s. My chronic hay fever is gone and I have taken no antihistamines for over 12 months’
Maurice, Wellington.

‘Before taking Jason’s advice, I had high blood pressure and was on medication. Five plus months down the track, and a significant 65th birthday later, my blood pressure has returned to normal and I am off medication. My doctor is delighted’

‘I had the final scan and the outcome was that there has been no change for the worse since the first scan. I put it down largely to your diet which I’ve been following pretty rigidly. The oncologist said I should ‘keep on doing what I’ve been doing’. I’m very hopeful now’
– Joan, in her late 70s.

‘I saw you speak and took your advice. I was needing a knee replacement so I was on Naprosyn twice daily and codeine phosphate. I no longer take these pills and my blood pressure is reduced. My doctor said whatever I am doing I must carry on!’
Lyn, Taupo.

‘My husband and I have both lost 9kg each so far and for the first time ever I feel in control of my relationship with food! Thank you so much for showing me a healthy way to live!’

What is thelifeplan®?

‘For over 20 years I have been asked the following questions: ‘Can I really get exceptional health by changing my diet and lifestyle?’,  ‘How did you get to be so irritatingly healthy?’ and ‘Can you teach me everything you know?’ The answer is YES. That is thelifeplan®. Everything I have learned about how to transform your health and have healthy longevity. thelifeplan® is for anyone and everyone interested in achieving and maintaining exceptional health. My aim is that it becomes the best, the most inspiring and effective health education in the world. Take my 35 years+ of scientific health research, add Tracey’s 25 years+ of creating innovative and delicious healthy plant-based recipes, add wall charts, long and short videos across 50 different topics, behaviour change advice, tips, tricks, longevity secrets and more. thelifeplan® is a one-year online health education journey like no other. It will teach you how to live a long healthy life, free of drugs and disease – and maintain it! At less than NZ$2.50 per day, it is affordable for almost anyone.

“thelifeplan® is a game-changer for those wanting to feel energised, lose weight, have glowing health and lower their risk of disease. It is life-changing for those wanting to live a long healthy life, free of drugs and disease. It is planet-changing for those wanting to care for this glorious planet we all live on. It is future-changing for those interested in a healthy strong world for their whanau, children and grandchildren to play in.” 

Watch Jason and Tracey talk about thelifeplan®

Get Jason’s Top Tips for Healthy Longevity 🎁

Enter your email to get your free 10 page PDF of Jason’s top tips for healthy longevity as well as a taster of thelifeplan® content and a delicious recipe from Tracey!

Learn to cook simple and delicious plant-based meals with Tracey.

Every week on thelifeplan® receive two of Tracey’s stunning and easy-to-make recipes to inspire you on your plant-based food journey.

Easily navigate and explore your favourite recipes from the programme inside your thelifeplan® recipe library.

thelifeplan® works!

It does not matter your age, your body size, your history or where your health is currently. If you follow our advice, this programme works. It has worked on tens of thousands of people across 20 countries (and counting…) over decades. thelifeplan® educates and inspires you with traditional centenarian culture wisdom, wise food choices, common sense and guidance. It supports you in taking control of your own health so you can have exceptional health and vitality. Remember; it’s not what you don’t do that gives you a long healthy life, it’s what you do ‘do’. We teach you what to do and what not to do. We facilitate lasting sustainable weight loss; we help you get your energy back; and we help you prevent illness. We help you to grow younger and stay in shape. This is all we do. We call this ‘healthy longevity’. Just ask our participants from 22 countries (that we know of) and the Chatham Islands, and counting!
New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Fiji, England, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ireland, Sweden, Indonesia, USA, Canada, India, France, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Scotland, Czechia (Czech Republic), Germany, Israel, Wales, Chatham Islands.

    Watch Jason’s full overview of thelifeplan®

    ‘You cannot eat yourself sick and then drug yourself well. Changing your diet, lifestyle and environment is the centenarians long happy life secret. That is the difference and it will change your life’

    – Jason Shon Bennett                         

    ‘The past year has been an exceptional, life changing experience for me. The recipes have been great, I am fasting one day a week, the seminars I found most interesting and I walk and swim most days. I didn’t realise how much junk I was eating till the JSB team arrived into my life. You guys certainly sharpened things up and with good reason. I’m 65 years of age, six feet tall, I have stopped taking blood pressure medication and I now weigh just 78kg. I am partaking in and completing 2 km sea swims, going on six week motorcycle trips in the USA, tending to our 1½ acre hillside property (that includes a vegetable garden and orchard), and I still have energy to spare. I can’t thank you guys enough for thelifeplan®. It’s complete, it’s no nonsense, and best of all — it gets results. I have so much to look forward to over the rest of my life … and you know what? I’m going to be doing it all.’

    Paul, on thelifeplan®.

    What’s in thelifeplan®?

    • Daily health information – a quick ‘easy-to-read’ bullet point daily article, video or recipe
    • Inspirational, motivational and life-changing health education
    • Every health article I have ever written
    • The most important health information you need to know
    • The 50 Key Healthy Longevity Topics – week by week into your inbox
    • 100 of Tracey’s stunning recipes – two new ones each week
    • Every video of me speaking all over the world, lecturing on 50 different subjects in long form or short form videos
    • ‘Life in my Plant-Based Kitchen’ videos with Wholefood Chef ‘The Reckless Foodie’
    • All the new unpublished articles I have written over the last 10 years
    • Tracey teaching you plant-based cooking, recipes and all her foodie secrets
    • It busts all the myths on food and health
    • It clarifies what to do to get well and stay well

    WARNING: side effects

    • You will probably become an energiser bunny
    • You will likely return to your ideal body size
    • You will look younger with radiant, glowing skin
    • You may break and transcend bad food addictions
    • You might not ever get another cold, flu, bug or virus
    • You may turn into a confident healthy plant-based chef
    • You may let go of the stress, dogma and rules about health
    • You may not require drugs or medications any longer
    • You will probably become calmer and more present
    • You may feel irritatingly enthusiastic about your life
    • You will likely stay well all winter – every winter
    • You will positively alter your genetic expression
    • Your kids may end up loving good healthy food
    • You will probably live much longer

    Sorry about all that.

    More details…

    • A specific journey from ‘I don’t know how to get well’ to ‘exceptional health’
    • Health myths busted, secrets exposed, tips, tricks, full instructions on what to do
    • Common sense healthy longevity advice; not trendy or faddish or hype-filled
    • Regular Intelligent Fasting® (we teach you how to fast AND we fast with you regularly)
    • Educational wall charts, posters, print-outs
    • Exclusive unedited Jason seminars and articles specifically for thelifeplan® members
    • Every new ‘Jason seminar’ is filmed, edited and immediately dropped into thelifeplan®
    • Jason deepens and adds new research and updated education into thelifeplan® weekly
    • An ageless, timeless, tight community like no other
    • It works on any device
    • It is available to you, wherever you are, 24/7
    • It is like having Tracey and I alongside you every day, for a year, teaching you everything I know about healthy longevity

    Do thelifeplan®!

    We have been doing this successfully for over 15 years

    We have helped tens of thousands of people around the world to achieve exceptional health. Some with heart disease, diabetes, digestion problems, skin issues, excess weight, tiredness, systemic disease, and a myriad of other health concerns. thelifeplan® is like having someone walking beside you for a year, helping you change and transform life-long habits. This 12-month programme cuts through all the sales and marketing hype and gets right to the heart of what you need to do to achieve sustainable, long-term health and vitality. It takes you back to the core healthy longevity basics of diet, lifestyle, fasting and exercise, and it teaches you how to do it for the rest of your life. No hype, no nonsense, no trendiness – just cutting-edge research, health advice, articles, videos, ‘how to’ tips and delicious plant-based recipes.


    Our favourite feedback:

    • “My blood pressure is now normal” (from those with hypertension)
    • “I now have the same body shape I had 25 years ago” (from a 52-year-old woman)
    • “I don’t ever get sick anymore” (from almost everyone)
    • “From 132kg to 72kg, cured my infertility, no more asthma, sleeping all night”
    • “The only clothes that fit me now are my socks” (this was a genuine complaint hahaha)
    • “I used to have daily joint pain but now I am happy to say that I can’t ever remember feeling this good” (from a 67-year-old woman)
    • “Thank you for getting my life back” (from a very sick and worn-down man)
    • “I genuinely believe you saved my life”
    • “I wish I did this years ago…”
    green leaves

    Jason Presenting 2022

    Meet Jason & Tracey

    Jason Shon Bennett – Health Researcher, Speaker, Best-Selling Author, creator of Regular Intelligent Fasting® & thelifeplan®, Fasting & Wellness Retreat Leader. Inspires and educates on healthy longevity.

    “I am a New Zealander. Many of the spokespeople and leaders in the plant-based world are American or European. I am a local boy who talks about the New Zealand and Australian experience, the local brands, the local environment, the local wisdom. This is key as we are a unique people down here and I am an ‘experienced grandfather expert’ in what it is to live an alcohol-free, plant-based wholefood life.”

    Tracey Bennett AKA The Reckless Foodie – Plant-Based Chef, Fasting & Wellness Retreat Leader, Plant-Based Caterer par excellence!

    Tracey is a Plant-Based Wholefood Chef who is passionate about creating, enjoying and sharing delicious and nourishing plant-based food with others. As a working mother of four fabulous young adults (and now grandmother to four!), Tracey knows just how important it is to create simple meals that taste awesome and don’t demand too much of your time. Her signature style is rustic, delicious, colourful and easy-to-throw-together. Tracey loves connecting, creating and sharing her love of plant-based food with others and there is most definitely a cookbook brewing – watch this space!

    On thelifeplan®, you could become:


    A calmer, happier, alkaline-balanced, fitter, well-slept, non-constipated, plant-eating, routine-based, green tea loving, non-smoking, genetic-expression-reborn, flexible, headache-free, sober, feeling 10-years-younger, 3 bowel motions a day, youthful, sprouting, fermented fasting expert! Changing your diet, lifestyle and environment is no drama. thelifeplan® makes it easy, affordable, fun and socially acceptable. And done at your own pace.

    What People Are Saying:

    ‘Hi Jason, I just want to thank you for changing my life. I joined thelifeplan nearly six months ago hoping to improve my aching joints, lack of energy and lose a bit of weight. Well, within a short time I had achieved all that! I cannot believe how simple it has been, everything you promise has come to pass. I was dreading the advancing years as I seemed to be getting stiffer and stiffer in my joints, walking was an effort with each step. I used to be quite supple when I was younger but was gradually seizing up and thought, oh boy, if this is how it’s going to go I do not look forward to the future as it will only get worse. I now enjoy my daily walks, no more aches and pains, I have heaps more energy, have lost eight kgs without any deprivation at all and generally feel at least ten years younger. My husband has been struggling with cholesterol for the last 20 years, the doctor put him on Lipitor, which didn’t agree with him, but he took it and managed to get his cholesterol down at one time to 5.1. Well, I have him eating just like me now, and without any drugs at all, his reading is 4.9, such a simple solution! So, thank you once again, I am so grateful to you.’

    Jenny, on thelifeplan®.

    ‘Embarking on thelifeplan® has been one of the most exciting things I have committed myself to do. To bring back health and vitality to a chronically fatigued mind and body. I am totally amazed and blown away with all I have learnt from the kindest caring team at JSB. From the bottom of my heart I would FULLY recommend anyone and everyone to sign up for a year on thelifeplan®. You too will have a new healthy mind and body and you will change your life forever. You just don’t know how grateful I am for absolutely everything the JSB team has given me. It has opened up a whole new world of understanding why and how to live exceptionally well. Thelifeplan® was the most fantastic thing I have done for myself and all the wonderful teachings still live in me. I fully recommend doing it for a year, as it becomes deeply part of you and changes you. I had no idea what doing thelifeplan® was going to involve when I decided to just do it. I am converted 100%.’

    Antoinette, on thelifeplan®.

    ‘I can’t believe how easy it has been. I have been trying for six years to lose 5kg and not got anywhere. When I started I planned on focusing on being healthier and re-training my eating/lifestyle habits and then once I had that in a better place, then look at the weight. In the past month on thelifeplan® I managed to lose 3 kg without even trying! I love the food — so easy to eat and enjoy, and alcohol has really lost its appeal. I don’t find I am hungry or even have that many sweet cravings, so it’s been so easy. All my friends can’t believe how great I look.’

    Margie, on thelifeplan®.


    Who can enrol?


    Do I need to read/watch everything every day?

    Absolutely not! thelifeplan® is designed to fit your schedule and interests. Feel free to explore the content as you please – you can pick and choose what to read or watch at your own pace. Remember, the content is available all year round, so there’s no need to rush! If you don’t have much time one day you can just read the comprehensive summary section at the beginning of each piece of content!

    Can I go back and dive deeper into a topic later on?

    Yes, of course! We encourage you to revisit any content or health topic whenever you want to delve further. thelifeplan® is here to support your learning and growth, so take advantage of all the resources available.

    Is there a right or wrong way to do this program?

    Not at all! thelifeplan® is designed to be flexible and tailored to your individual needs. There’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to engage with the content – just make sure you’re enjoying the journey, taking what works for you, and benefiting from the experience.

    How do I login/access the course?

    When you sign up for the course you will create an account, this will be used to access the course. You will receive an email with a link to access the course and all other information that you need. If you need any support please contact 

    What devices can I access the course on?

    This course is available to access on all devices, just use your account to login and your progress will be synchronised across all devices you are using.

    Is there a thelifeplan® App?

    Yes. Kind of. To make your experience on thelifeplan® fast, simple and easy, we have an “App-like” feature that looks like an App, works like an App, and is easy to use like an App! We are working on an official full-function ‘thelifeplan® App’, but for now this is the closest thing possible, which is a link directly to thelifeplan®, which you can easily load onto your phone home screen just like an App. It only takes around 30 seconds to set this up on your phone. We recommend you do it immediately so you can access thelifeplan® whenever you want to! You will recieve instructions on how to do this in your welcome email.

    What if I have done thelifeplan® before? Is this one different?

    Yes, thelifeplan® is like JSB University, when the previous programmes we offered were kindergarten. It’s like thelifeplan® is the Tesla compared to a horse and carriage or, thelifeplan® is the iPhone 20 compared with the 1990s Motorola brick phone. Tracey and I have offered many online courses over the last 15 years, from ‘The Feel Alive Plan’ in 2008-2011, to ‘thelifeplan®’ from 2012-2017, to ‘My 20 GOLDEN Rules® 2015-2016. This new 2022 ultimate version of thelifeplan® has every single piece of unbiased, researched health information and education, from every course and programme we have ever done, while dramatically improving and updating them all. I have added, literally, two million words of copy, all the new unpublished articles I have written, plus two of Tracey’s simple and delicious recipes weekly, and every long and short video ever done of Tracey and I presenting everywhere around the world, at festivals, in workshops, at seminars, lectures, on retreats, and in our home.

    Can I gift thelifeplan® to a family member or friend?

    Absolutely! There is no better gift than that of good health. Please contact to set this up.

    How long is the course and what are the content release dates?

    This is a year-long course which you can do at a pace that suits you.

    How is the course content delivered?

    Content is delivered weekly through our online learning portal and daily emails that come directly to your inbox. When purchasing the course you will create an account which will give you access.

    How does ‘thelifeplan®’ work?

    Once you sign up we then get all the information to you in a daily module – direct to your phone or preferred device. It is available to you on any device, or multiple devices, at any time; 24/7, as long as you have internet access. You can follow the journey daily (which is what I recommend), or binge-read, binge-watch and then binge-cook with Tracey’s incredible recipes. Do thelifeplan® exactly the way that suits you best. You follow my advice and education → you do the work → you change your behaviour = you transform your health. Once you begin, you get information every day, taking you on a health journey through 50 different health topics from ‘The top 5 questions I get’, to ‘Fasting and everything about it’, to ‘Cancer prevention and treatments’, to ‘How to live to 100’, to ‘Health myths busted’, to ‘The truth about weight loss’, and many more deep extensive topics.

    How many hours per week do I need to dedicate to the course?

    This course is designed for you to engage in a level that works for you. If you have a ‘researcher mindset’ then you can delve as deeply as you like, watch all the full videos, and read all the extended full-length articles. If you just want the summaries then just read the first page of each article or go to the summaries at the end and you can get everything in bite-sized chunks.

    How long will I have access to the course for?

    12 Months. After this you can continue to have access to the full thelifeplan® content + much more, when you become a part of our community of graduates by joining mylifecommunity®.

    Do we offer refunds?

    Of course. Your satisfaction with thelifeplan® is incredibly important to us! We believe you will get more than you expect on thelifeplan®. If you have any issues at all please email us. We are committed to the transformation you’ll experience throughout our 12 months together. Obviously, life throws curve balls and we understand that. If something changes for you and you truly feel that a refund is real and justified then just email us and we can have a chat about it!

    What thelifeplan® is not

    PLEASE NOTE: thelifeplan® is NOT a replacement for competent medical advice. WE DO NOT GIVE MEDICAL ADVICE. We are not medical professionals. We make no claims about the curing of any disease. We offer our health education opinion on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes, which take time and personal commitment to be effective. It is proactive health education with the power and wisdom from the world’s longest-lived and healthiest people; the centenarian cultures. If you are suffering from any medical condition, we strongly recommend and ask that you consult with your doctor or your chosen health professional as thelifeplan® works effectively alongside all conventional therapies.